Pillows, Rugs and Lamps – consider them artwork
These three accessory items are super important to the end creative product! These items can add color, texture, and super style into your room. We create many custom pillows for our client projects that are so divine you might consider them a work of art in and of themselves!
And dang it you should- what else has such a profound impact as an accessory besides actual art on the wall?? More on that later!
What is the big deal about a pillow?

Shopping for pillows
Ok so off the rack pillows are bit meh- really you will end up replacing them often and cheap pillows- look cheap. Change your mindset for pillow value- think of it as art and it is way less expensive than redoing the entire space right?

Tips for finding great pillows
- Shop for your own fabric if you are comfortable with this and have custom ones made.
- Shop at cool places like 1514 Home where custom pillows are made and waiting for you to try them! ( totally self serving plug for our cool shop) And we are now online too! Just call us and we will help you navigate our website for the best pillows for your or make some up for your style!

- Check out online sources for other designers- many have websites and offer cool pillows too.
- Try and repurpose pillows from one room to another- I did this recently at my sister’s home and she was surprised how good they looked- just had not thought of it!
- Sometimes Home goods can have some that are ok too- most are cheap but they do have some one offs that can be very cool and cost effective! We are not above mixing and matching when we need to either!

Great shots from recent market trip! Love this color mix!

Do not be afraid!

Be bold and mix color, patterns and texture for the most interesting look. Carry a bit of the color into the room with a new rug or lamp and you will be surprised at how much your room will look fresh and new.